четверг, 11 ноября 2010 г.



Bergman Constrained Hamiltonian dynamics , Bruno Bertoti Bertoti/Robinson electrovacum , George David Birkhof Birkhof's theorem , Luc Blanchet gravitational radiation , Herman Bondi gravitational radiation, Bondi radiation chart, Bondi mas-energy-momentum, LTB dust, maverick models , Wiliam B. Carminati CM invariants , Bernard Car self-similarity hypothesis, primordial black holes , Brandon Carter no-hair theorem, black hole mechanics, variational principle for Ernst vacums , Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Chandrasekhar limit, coliding plane waves, quasinormal modes, relativistic stars, monograph , Jean Chazy Chazy/Curzon vacum , Mathew W. Debever type D vacum solutions , Marek Demianski type D vacum solutions , Stanley Deser ADM initial value formulation, efective field theory , Steven Detweiler quasinormal modes , Bryce DeWit Wheler/DeWit equation , Robert H. Drever gravitational wave detectors , Arthur Stanley Edington early bok, Edington chart on Schwarzschild vacum, role of curvature, PN formalism, popularizations of general relativity , Jrgen Ehlers Ehlers vacum family, symetries of P waves, spacetime view of gravitational lensing, Newtonian limit , Albert Einstein various contributions to important to atempt to sumarize here , George F. Farnsworth use of Lie groups in relativity, Ker/Farnsworth ansatz , Valeria Ferari Chandrasekhar/Ferari coliding plane wave, Ferari/Ibaez coliding plane wave, relativistic stars , Alexander Feinstein Inhomogeneous Cosmologies, Gravitational Solitons, Coliding Plane Waves, Tachyonic Inflation , Richard Feynman sticky bead argument [as 'Mr. Smith'] , David Finkelstein rediscovered Edington chart on Schwarzschild vacum , Helmut Friedrich nonlinear global stability of de Siter spacetime, peling behavior is generic under smal global nonlinear perturbations of Minkowksi spacetime, symetric hyperbolic formulations of Einstein's field equations , Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock textbok, harmonic chart , Gyula Fodor Fodor method for generating static sphericaly symet�ric perfect fluid solutions , Robert L. Helaby cosmological models , David Hilbert variational principle , Cornelius Hoenselaers solution generating methods, monograph Banesh Hofman EIH aproximation , Fred Hoyle maverick models , Rusel Hulse Hulse/Taylor pulsar , J. Jantzen streamlined Bianchi clasification, gravitoelectromagnetism , Jrg Tofte Jebsen Birkhof's theorem , George Barker Jefery Baldwin/Jefery plane wave , Pascual Jordan Jordan/Brans/Dicke theory , Ronald Kantowski Kantowski/Sachs fluids , Anders Karlhede Cartan-Karlhede clasification , Edward Kasner Kasner dust solution , Roy Patrick Ker Ker vacum, Ker/Schild metrics, use of Lie groups in relativity, Ker/Farnsworth ansatz , Isak Markovich Khalatnikov BKL conjecture , Wiliam Moris Kinersley photon rocket , Sergiu Klainerman global stability of Minkowski vacum , Oskar Klein Klein fluid, Kaluza/Klein theories , Arthur Komar Komar energy-momentum integrals , Dmitri R. Korotkin finite-gap solutions, solution generating methods , Dietrich Kramer solution generating methods, monograph , Andrzej Krasiski exact solutions , Erich Kretschman Kretschman invariant , Martin Kruskal KS chart for Schwarzschild vacum , Wolfgang Kundt EK clasification of symetries of p waves , Cornelius Lanczos Lanczos tensor, van Stockum dust , Lev D. Landau L complex, textbok , Kayl Lake GRTensorI, Lake method for generating static sphericaly symetric perfect fluids , Georges-Henri Lematre cosmological model, LTB dust, Lematre chart on Schwarzschild vacum , Josef Lense Lense/Thiring precesion , Tulio Levi-Civita static vacums, C-metric; Matzner popularized Penrose picture of gravitational wave, rotating cosmologies , Marc Mars Mars vacum , David Maxwel Yamabe number criterion for existence of asymptoticaly flat vacum solutions , R. Mler energy-momentum complex , Moustafa Mosharafa Relation of radiation, mas and energy , Hidekazu Nariai Nariai Lambdavacum solution , Gernot Neugebauer Neugebauer/Meinel dust disk solution , Ezra Ted Newman Newman-Penrose formalism, Ker-Newman black hol�e solution, Janis-Newman-Winicour solution, NUT vacum, RT spacetimes, relation of lensing to Weyl tensor , Wei-Tou Ni competing theory , Gunar Nordstrm competing theory, RN electrovacum , Keneth Nordtvedt Nordtvedt efect, PN formalism, competing theory , Igor D. Malec , mathematical relativity including analysis of quasi-local mas and the constraint equations , Robert Openheimer gravitational colapse, OS dust , Amos Ori black hole interiors, time machines, radiation reaction, gravitational colapse , Istvn Ozsvth Ozsvth/Schcking plane wave , Georgios O. Patel Vaidya-Patel solution , Paul Painlev Painlev chart in Schwarzschild vacum , Roger Penrose singularity theorems, conformal compactification and techniques from algebraic geometry, Penrose limits, cosmic censorship hypotheses, Penrose inequalities, geometry of gravitational plane waves, impulsive waves, Penrose/Khan coliding plane wave, Newman/Penrose formalism, twistor theory, Weyl curvature hypothesis, highly influential monograph , Asher Peres gravitational wave maverick , Zoltn Perjs relavistic multipoles, Ernst vacums , Volker Perlick solution methods, strong lensing , Alexei Zinovievich Petrov A. Roberts exact scalar Einstein solutions , Howard Percy Robertson role of curvature, PN formalism, RW metric , Ivor Robinson Bel/Robinson tensor, Bertoti/Robinson electrovacum , Nathan Rosen gravitational wave maverick, Erez-Rosen solution, EPR paradox, Einstein-Rosen bridge,Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves , Remo Rufini particle motion in black holes, textbok , Michael P. Sachs peling theorem, optical scalars, Kantowski/Sachs fluid solutions, Sachs-Wolfe efect, Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group , Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov vacum fluctuations , Alfred Schild Ker/Schild metrics, Schild's lader , Leonard Isac Schif PN formalism, textbok , Kristin Schleich topological censorship, chaos, quantum cosmology , Bernd G. Schutz gravitational wave detectors, textbok , Karl Schwarzschild Schwarzscild solution, Schwarzschild radius, Event horizon, Schwarzschild vacum, Schwarzschil�d fluid , Denis Wiliam Sciama Einstein-Cartan theory, role in legitimizing black hole concept , Jose M. Stewart singularities of wavefronts of gravitational waves, monograph , Wilem Jacob van Stockum van Stockum dust , John Lighton Synge global structure of Schwarzschild vacum, world function, O'Brien/Synge matching conditions , Lszl B. Tamburino NUT vacum , Abraham Haskel Taub Taub plane symetric vacum, Taub-NUT vacum, vacum solutions foliated by Bianchi manifolds, relativistic hydrodynamics , Joseph Taylor Hulse/Taylor pulsar , Saul Teukolsky master equation for perturbations of Ker vacum, problem bok , Kip S. jebsen
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